Saturday 20 February 2010

Come on, Vogue!

To start off my research for this project I looked at the obvious Vogue magazine covers. I think the brief wasn't specifically relating to the Vogue magazine, however if that is the title of the monthly then there must be some inspiration and style to be found here.

All of the below Vogue covers focus strongly on the person photographed. The cover is the selling point of the magazine, and getting a celebrity on the cover will maximise sales. On all the cover's the model is centered on the page and there is a high contrast with lighting on the face and body. Backgrounds are blurred and flawless skin further attracts attention to the chosen cover-girl. The text giving information of the contents isn't necessarily needed as so much attention is drawn away from this. The audience is possibly more interested at looking at the images, that first drew them to the magazine, than reading the articles.

Another angle I looked at was the Madonna song 'vogue'. It is such a famous song and has well recognised dance moves. Fashion also relates to the song as Madonna wore her famous pointed bra. The song and style that come with it express women as strong, sexy and independent.

I also looked at fashion statements and how they have influenced the world. Outrageous trends seen on the catwalk are very influential.

Outfits like these are not wearable and high street stores will take elements from these designs and reflect them into their collection in a more consumer friendly and appealing way. For example they will take colour and texture and shape and replicate it on a softened scale. For instance, look at the design by Gareth Pugh below and compare it with the dress design found on asos. They show similarities, not on a huge scale but they can be compared easily.

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